Meyerson on the Future of Organized Labor

by Michael Sean Winters

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In this morning's Washington Post, Harold Meyerson looks at the future of organized labor. This is a large question for the Church. The labor movement has been one of the Church's strongest allies through the years. Indeed, it is not too much to say that the modern American labor movement was midwifed by the Church, going back to cardinal Gibbons brave, and successful, fight to keep the Vatican from condemning the Knights of Labor in the 19th century as a "secret society." More recently, organized labor was one of the few progressive movements that never signed onto the orthodoxy of Roe v. Wade. And, for all Americans, Catholic or not, the decline of the labor movement is one of the principal reasons incomes are declining even while profits soar. We all have a stake in the future of organized labor, but it is not clear what that future is.

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