Unlame Media

by Michael Sean Winters

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One of the things that bothers me most when someone like Sarah Palin complains about the "lamestream media" is that many journalists take great risks to keep the rest of us informed.

Yesterday, an ABC news reporter, Miguel Marquez, was beaten in Bahrain while trying to cover anti-government protests there. Miguel is an old friend of mine - we met the day he arrived in Washington, fresh from college in New Mexico, in the early 1990s - and I have admired his rise through the ranks, first as a policy adviser to Bill Richardson and subsequently as a television reporter.

The audio of the attack on Miguel has been posted and it is frightening to listen to.

I hope that Ms. Palin will listen to it and, the next time she calls out the "lamestream media" she will think of Miguel and ask herself what she has done to inform the rest of us about the unfolding crackdown in Bahrain - or to inform the rest of us about anything other than the fact that there is good hunting in Alaska.

Miguel has courage and a career. She has talking points and a fan base.

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