National Catholic Reporter has said that silence in the face of President Trump's cruelty is complicity. In this daunting national moment, will Bishop Robert Barron speak truth to the powerful, or continue his silence?
In the spirit of Pope Francis, who has emphasized mercy, Biden has reminded us of the pathway to a more humane society, prioritizing redemption over retribution. We must cling dearly to this example and never let go.
Catholics shouldn't be a sure bet for either party. Our votes should be a matter of a conscientious decision that involves judging candidates, issues and effects on the common good across a range of issues.
By granting clemency to all federal inmates on death row, Joe Biden could embody the most profound teachings of his faith and leave a legacy of compassion that will resonate for years.
For the sake of individual and collective health, do not give in to self-pity or anger at Donald J. Trump's victory. We need balance and wholeness to move forward while protecting the most vulnerable.
Republican candidates Donald Trump and JD Vance have been spreading lies about immigrants in the United States as a cornerstone of their campaign. The shameful silence of our Catholic leaders has been beyond deafening.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan said he was "doubly disappointed" by the rejection from Kamala Harris of his invitation to the annual Al Smith dinner. But we are triply disappointed that Dolan did not have the courage to stand up to Donald Trump.
We all pay for nuclear weapons with our tax dollars. We remain silent. Our Eucharists remain undisturbed by the possibility of global annihilation. Our Earth, our God of peace, our consciences demand much more of us.
No other cultural entity has spent as much money and political capital fueling the war over abortion as the U.S. bishops. But, amid the endless fighting, any serious teaching, any opportunity to persuade, has been lost.