Catholics urged to lobby bishops for health care reform

Catholics United, the Catholic coalition of progressive voices, is calling on all Catholics and people of goodwill to join in asking the Catholic bishops to get behind health care reform. In an email to Catholics United's 42,000 members, Patricia Pignatiello, a Catholics United member for more than three years, relayed the story of her brother James.

This past June, James found himself in an emergency room with a treatable form of cancer – treatable that is, had he had insurance. Instead of getting treatment, Patricia’s brother was sent home coughing up blood. His cancer has now spread and Patricia writes "he is in a fight for his life."

She goes on: "The Catholic bishops have long been champions of justice and the common good. Unfortunately, there is a real possibility that they won’t support health care reform. Worse yet, they might even oppose it."

So Catholics United are lobbying bishops to support health care reform. They have a tool on their web site that allows individuals to email their bishops directly.

Patricia askes: "Will you join us in emailing the bishops in support of health care reform?"

You can access the CU web site and email page here.

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