"I'm still learning how to acknowledge and enjoy the wisdom that has grown in my life, the healthy qualities that become more developed every year I live," writes Vinita Hampton Wright.
Soul Seeing: Naming and seeing. Seeing and naming. It's hard to say which comes first, but once you get the hang of it, you walk through that doorway of gratitude straight into joy enough times that it becomes the home you live in.
Faith is lived in the world amid the billions of other humans, or it's not lived at all. It's not locked away, like a security bond, but shared in the rough and tumble of life.
Soul Seeing: Throwaway culture means discarding our fellow humans through decisions small and paramount. But we can resist by seeing the whole person in every encounter we are given.
Soul Seeing: With an attitude of openness in meditation, and in receiving feedback from a healthy circle of friends, we can better receive a response to the question we need to continually ask the Lord: "Who do you say that I am?"