Five Catholic Supreme Court justices abandon justice

Anyone you know have $26 million to make your case in Congress? That's the sum U.S. banks spent last year making their desires known on the hill.

Now with the lid off corporte campaign spending, that number is likely to increase. President Obama is now taking on banks, arguing they need to be regulated to avoid a repeat of the greed and self-interest that blew up the economy last year. Does he have a chance?

The squeeze by big money to take an even better grip on our financial life and institutions is only going to get tighter. Meanwhile, money and power continue to be sucked up the financial pyramid, long since having been drained out of the lives of the unemployed and now being taken out of the lives of debtor, foreclosed families.

So much for helping to create a national ethos that advocates fairness or the common good.

And by the way, how many of your are proud that all five Supreme Court justices who ruled last week to enhance the power of the already powerful -- against the interests of the rest of us -- are all Roman Catholics?

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