Forget Tiger Woods. Is your marriage solid?

Some food for thought here, an essay in the Christian Science Monitor by Angela Kays-Burden, a licensed master social worker who holds Christian ministerial credentials through Elim Gospel Fellowship.

Kays-Burden writes:

Tabloids have pounced on Tiger Woods for his apparent failure to uphold family values. Their stories use traditional morals to define adultery as scandal and include words like "sin" and "confession."

At the same time, the purveyors of our pop culture often portray marriage itself as an arcane institution that our progressive society should move beyond.

In recent years, television shows and Hollywood movies have promoted our acceptance of – and even our appetite for – infidelity. Major networks are complicit in helping to erode the significance of life-long commitments and loving relationships between husbands and wives.

The same adulterous affair that in real life becomes a threat to reputation, career, and endorsements, produces laughs and envy on prime time. Sex is sold as a need-based commodity rather than an expression of shared, committed intimacy.

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