Mary's Pence on LCWR

Mary's Pence is in St. Louis to staff a booth at the LCWR meetings. You may remember that it is an alternative to Peter's Pence.

Donors and grant recipients were invited to a Mary’s Pence reception on Monday evening before LCWR opened. It was a lovely gathering of women and a few men who have deep ties to the work here in the U.S. and in Latin America.

Because sisters played a significant role in the founding and ongoing work of Mary's Pence, the board has issued the following statement in support of LCWR:

As we celebrate 25 years of funding women and changing lives through Mary's Pence, we find ourselves appalled by the news of the Vatican's mandate directed at the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. The prophetic leadership of women religious birthed our organization based on the gospel values of justice and equality for all. Women religious, and in particular the leadership of LCWR, continue to challenge us to this day to keep alive the vision of Vatican II which defined our church as the People of God. We give thanks for these women and for their congregations. We say to them: "you have taught us well." We pledge our prayers and support as they discern their response to this mandate. Women around the world await the day when we can truly be an inclusive church with justice for all.

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