Morning Briefing

SANTIAGO, Chile -- Chile may persecute priest for sexaul abuse. Victims not satisfied by Vatican imposed sanctions on the man.

Pennsylvania -- Legislators push for better laws to expand rights of victims of sexual abuse

Editorial: In Kansas City, an indicted bishop must explain his priorities

Opinion: The charges against Bishop Finn should be dropped

In Rome for ad limina visits: Australia'S Catholic bishops have discussed the removal from office of Bishop William Morris with leading Vatican officials during a visit to Rome this month.

Lansing, Mich. -- Public schools' budget crunch present challenge for parochial schools. New bus routes in St. Johns mean parochial school families carpool

U.S. Hispanics Choose Churches Outside Catholicism

Poland -- 27 Years Ago Father Popieluszko Was Murdered. Martyr of the Solidarity movement.

Abilene, Texas -- Catholics donate $34,744 for Central Texas fire victims

The Apostolic Letter 'Porta Fidei' for the Year of Faith (2012-2013)

Editor's Note: A couple people contacted me direcly yesterday, suggesting that by simply putting a headline and link up to a blog entry about the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese's outreach to parishes to combat same-sex marriage legislation in Minnesota I made what was a blog entry with a very strong point of view seem like a report of mere facts. These readers were right in their criticism. I will be more careful about labaelling opinion, editorials and commentary (including blogs) as such. I should also mention that just because I link to someone else's opinion, editorial or commentary does not mean that I agree with it. Thanks for the input.

-- Dennis Coday

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