New feature provides new way to find stories

Today, launched a new tagging feature to help organize stories, blogs and columns and to help readers find more to read on a topic of their interest.

What does that mean? Well, scroll down to the bottom of any story, column or blog on our website. (Yes, even this one.) See those little blue words at the end of the piece? Those are the tags, or subjects, people or places mentioned in what you were just reading. Click on any of those words and you will be taken to a new page with a list of stories, blogs and columns that have that same tagged item.

For example, if you are reading Megan Fincher's story "Lay groups seek to offer input on bishop selection" (which you should, it's quite good) and you want to read more stories involving Chicago Cardinal Francis George, just click his name, and it will take you here, where you can read about George's involvement in the release of the Chicago archdiocese's documents on sex abuse or see what columnist Eugene Cullen Kennedy thinks about the cardinal.

Pretty cool, right?

"But wait!" you say. "I want to read even more about Cardinal George, but there are only six things on that page about him. NCR has written about him before December; where are all those articles?"

Never fear, gentle reader. It is still a new feature and we've only been working with it for a month or so. Once all the bugs are worked out, we will go through the old stories and label all of those, too.

Until then, we hope you enjoy this new feature. And as always, thank you for reading NCR.

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