Peace advocate, Francis McGillicuddy, finds rest

Several years back I had the opportunity to spend three weeks in Vietnam with a wonderful couple, Francis and Elaine McGillicuddy. Their love for each other was evident at every step. Their story, while unique, mirrored in some ways the stories of other couples we have known. Francis is an "inactive priest;' Elaine a "former religous."

Francis served as Associate Pastor at St. Joseph's Church in Portland, St. Mary's in Westbrook, and Sacred Heart Church in Waterville, Maine. He was also chaplain and administrator at a diocesan camp for girls, -- Camp Pesquasawasis in Danville, Maine from 1959 to 1970. After two years as Chaplain at Maine Medical Center, he resigned from the clergy and married Elaine at Holy Cross Church, in South Portland, in 1972.

Their concerns for peace and justice never abided as they walked together. To the contrary, they empowered each other in sharing a vision for a better world. This empowerment was also evident during the time we traveled together. Their joy, their concerns for those in need, the peace they carried within them was most impressive.

I received word today that Francis died of cancer at his home on Jan. 3. Some of the love these two had for each other, and their remarkably creative lifestyle, ha been captured in a series of blog entries Elaine kept leading up to and through Francis' death.

Francis' obituary can be found on the CORPUS Web site.

Réquiem ætérnam dona ei Dómine; et lux perpétua lúceat ei. Requiéscat in pace. Amen.

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