Taking on incivility

E.J. Dionne Jr., in the Washington Post today writes that "the most surprising and disappointing aspect of our politics is how little pushback there has been against the vile, extremist rhetoric that has characterized such a large part of the anti-Obama movement."

I concur. It is disappointing, especially when one believes that civility is a mark of a mature democracy and should characterize U.S. politics.

Dionne explains: "Republican politicians, worried about future primary fights, have been reluctant to pick a fight with a radical right that seems to be the most energized section of their party. Their 'moderation' has consisted of a non-benign neglect of the extremists and of accusing the president merely of 'socialism.'"

Meanwhile, John Gehring, media director and senior writer for the Washington-based Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good has contributed to a book on the subject of civility, Christian Civility in an Uncivil World. The book was recently reviewed in the Post and Courier newspaper in Charleston, SC.

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