Watch our very own John Allen on CNN this weekend!

There's news and pageantry at the Vatican this weekend: The late Pope John Paul II will be beatified in a multi-hour ceremonty. This honor, of course, is a step towards canonization, the church's public affirmation that John Paul has entered the fullness of Divine life.

And, of course, you can expect NCR Senior Correspondent John Allen to be on hand reporting the event and interpreting it for the world audience. He will be filing through the weekend on the NCR web site. He will also be ensconced with his CNN colleagues on an enviable perch atop a structure in Vatican square.

His most diehard fans will certainly want to see his smiling face beginning at 6:30 a.m. Eastern time Saturday morning, a mere papal warmup exercise. That's when he will be part of a "Nuts and Bolts" preview of things to come.

Leaping from bed beginning at 4:00 a.m. Sunday morning you can catch him on the CNN International feed. Between 6:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Eastern you will enjoy his presence on the CNN U.S. domestic feed.

This should allow beatification followers to watch a papal mass and get to your local parish for your own Eucharist, all before mid-day.

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