William Donohue subject of New York Times columnist

The Catholic bashing Catholic president of the “Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights," William Donohue, is the subject of a column written by Frank Rich inThe New York Times today. It's a column entitled "Gay Bashing at the Smithsonian," and it looks at the mindlessness at the heart of a Donohue-led campaign that moved officials at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington to cave in and censor part of a survey on same sex themes in an exhibit there.

NCR readers are quite familiar with Donohue and the black eyes to the teachings of our church he frequently orders up in the name of protecting the good name of our religion. In the process he manages to twist our faith's gospel-based teachings of mercy, compassion and forgiveness into unrecognizable parody.

It's really quite sad and not helpful for Catholic evangelization.

NCR Publisher and Editor-in-chief wrote about Donohue's misguided ways in a column last May.

Writes Rich today:

Donohue is best known for defending Mel Gibson’s anti-Semitism by declaring that “Hollywood is controlled by Jews who hate Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular.” A perennial critic of all news media except Fox, he has also accused The Times of anti-Catholicism because it investigated the church pedophilia scandal. Donohue maintains the church doesn’t have a “pedophilia crisis” but a “homosexual crisis.” Such is the bully that the Smithsonian surrendered to without a fight.

Homophobia is fear-based, as is much other bigotry. What's called for is patience and education, though by now we should all know better. The problem is the consequences of ignorance are immediate and too frequently deadly.

Maybe on this Sunday NCR readers might consider going to mass and while there pray for the conversion of our brother William.

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