Season of Creation Daily Day 33: The world's question to you


Photo used with permission | skeeze from

Take a moment to reflect on the photo.

I held my breath as we do sometimes to stop time when something wonderful has touched us...

And that is just the point... how the world, moist and beautiful, calls to each of us to make a new and serious response. That’s the big question, the one the world throws at you every morning. Here you are, alive. Would you like to make a comment?

— Mary Oliver

Hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor

— Pope Francis, Laudato Si'

As Mary Oliver asks, Would you like to make a comment?

I’d love to hear from you as we near the end of this mini-retreat:

Any specific commitments that you’ll carry forward? How might you live differently? How will you live out "Amen"?

You can reach me here

Season of Creation Daily

pause | reflect | act

Editor's note: Season of Creation Daily is inspired by the Care for Our Common Home Ministry, Paulist Center Boston. To receive daily reflections by email, sign up here.

This story appears in the Season of Creation Daily feature series. View the full series.

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