Season of Creation Daily Day 9: Seeking compassionate simplicity

sunrise from a window

Photo used with permission | P. McLoughlin

Take a moment to reflect on the photo.

What can a person of faith do

to protect God’s creation? offers a simple way to respond to this question.

Focused on individual action, this multi-faith, world-wide initiative extends an invitation to commit to living sustainably. The group invites signatures to a statement titled "Walk on Earth Gently".

Some excerpts: “We represent the world’s family of spiritualities, faiths and religions who share a profound gratitude for our precious planet..." Our misuse of Earth's generosity, while improving conditions for many, is not improving them for all and is fraying the web of life... As religious and spiritual leaders … we come to you with an invitation to embark on a journey towards compassionate simplicity for the sake of the climate, the human family, and the community of life. Our spiritualities and traditions offer wisdom about finding happiness in a purposeful life, family and friendships, not in an overabundance of things. The world needs such wisdom. We invite you to join the many others willing to walk this path..."

— Walk on Earth Gently at focuses on the three biggest opportunities each person has:

  • Energy use
  • Transport
  • Diet

Consider what commitment you might make. Visit for more information.


Season of Creation Daily

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Editor's note: Season of Creation Daily is inspired by the Care for Our Common Home Ministry, Paulist Center Boston. To receive daily reflections by email, sign up here.   

This story appears in the Season of Creation Daily feature series. View the full series.

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