U.S. deacons and families to gather for first time since 2004

The last time the deacons of the United States and their families gathered together was 2004 in Baltimore. This fall they are aiming for a warmer location: Hawaii. All deacons and their families are invited to attend the Pacific Catholic Diaconate Conference Oct. 25-Nov. 1. It will be hosted by the deacons of the Diocese of Honolulu and Honolulu Bishop Larry Silva. The conference will be held onboard the Pride of America, a Norwegian cruise vessel, as it travels around to four Hawaiian islands -- Oahu, Maui, Hawaii, which is known as the "Big Island," and Kauai. Details are available on the Web at www.deaconshawaii.org. The agenda will include talks and presentations on social justice and outreach, immigration, diversity, multiculturalism, marriage enrichment within the diaconate, and the spiritual and psychological development of the deacon. There also will be daily liturgies.

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