Attention, NCR readers outside the USA

With the power of the internet, more people than ever before from across the world can read the news, analysis and commentary published by National Catholic Reporter. All of our material is out there on the World Wide Web, readily accessible. Free to all.

Except, you know what, it isn't free. It costs money to put a reporter into the field or on the papal plane. We have to pay for servers, computer programs and the folks who make servers and programs work. Journalism, when it is done right, is a labor-intensive business, and I think NCR does journalism right.

In the last seven days, nearly 20 percent of our web traffic has come from the following countries: Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Philippines, India, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa and Germany.

Twenty percent of our members and donors, however, don't come from these countries.

Can we change that?

It's Monday evening here in Kansas City, and I'm ready to close up shop for a few hours and explore other aspects of my life besides this website. Many thousands of you, however, are just waking up and opening this website to see what has happened.

Here's a special challenge for our international readers: become a member now or make a donation now. When I check traffic figures when I get back to the office on Tuesday morning, I want to see a massive spike in traffic from places like Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Philippines, India, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa and Germany.

You are on the website. You are reading our work. If you haven't yet supported us financially, now you can. Just as the internet makes it possible to read NCR virtually anytime, virtually anywhere, it enables you to support us financially whether you call you money pounds, shillings, dollars or pesos.

Come on, international reader. Support NCR, the news site you've come to depend on.

[Dennis Coday has worked for NCR since 2003 and has been editor since 2012. This is his ninth Spring Fund Drive.

This story appears in the Spring Fund Drive 2018 feature series. View the full series.

In This Series
