A message from Caitlin Hendel, CEO/Publisher of NCR

We are so very close to reaching our goal of $100,000 during this Spring Fund Drive. As many of you know, it's not easy to run a small business, and with fewer than 50 employees, that's just what NCR is. The money we bring in during these campaigns goes a long way toward paying for the columns and the stories you come to NCRonline.org to read and appreciate.  

This is a final appeal to you, our readers, to do what you can to keep the news flowing from the team at NCR.

My favorite part of these fundraising drives are the comments you include with your donations. We ask what draws you to NCR and why you agree to help us with your financial support. Many of you point to specific writers and columnists, such as Benedictine Sr. Joan Chittister, St. Joseph Sr. Mary McGlone, Michael Sean Winters, Jamie Manson and Joshua McElwee from Rome.

Others simply encourage NCR to "Keep up the good work!" Here's a sample:

I read you assiduously because of your credibility and honest reporting.

NCR's articles give me hope for renewing Church.

Love your courage and especially your independence.

In this time of turmoil in our church and in our country, NCR is a voice I value and depend on.

I have depended on NCR for years for REAL news.

Thank you to the staff for the important Church news!

If the comments above resonate with you, if you find yourselves nodding in agreement with something you've read in NCR, if you depend on NCR to stay with the Catholic Church, please join us by becoming a member of NCR or, if you prefer, with a one-time gift.

Finally, I want to wish all of the women in the NCR community — mothers, aunts, sisters, friends, and those of you in religious communities — a very special day this Sunday. We know how much NCR means to you, and I want you to know how much you mean to us.


Caitlin Hendel

P.S. We are so thankful to those who have stepped forward to support our Spring Fund Drive! In fact, this week we reached an internal goal for the number of readers joining our new membership program. Your generosity is an inspiration to us.

[Caitlin Hendel is NCR CEO and publisher.]

This story appears in the Spring Fund Drive 2018 feature series. View the full series.

In This Series
