
Cardinal Ouellet: Priests not supporting Francis should ask, 'What am I doing here?'

'Purity of heart' beatitude is at the core of what we need in this country

As Build Back Better stalls, faith leaders call Biden, Senate to 'moment for courage' on climate

Migrant minors dispute pits Florida against Catholic Church

Grant of $3.65 million will fund network of institutes of Catholic thought

At funeral, Bishop De Roo remembered for commitment to social justice

Latino vote not monolithic, though Catholic Latinos lean Democratic, say panelists

Cuba begins public consultation on marriage equality law

In Lebanese crisis, religious also function as relief, social workers

Italian court blocks referendum on euthanasia

A tale of two synods: What will the German and Roman synodal gatherings accomplish?

The Francis Effect podcast: Fr. Bryan Massingale discusses book bans in US

Three new Catholic Worker communities found pandemic a perfect time to open

Catholic school enrollment increases this school year, NCEA report says

#ItalyChurchToo: Abuse survivors demand Italy church inquiry

Report shows more dioceses establish foundations to fund work of church

Czech cardinal accuses Germany's Cardinal Marx of 'betraying' Pope Benedict

Church's multiyear initiatives on synodality, Laudato Si' and Eucharist intertwine

Miami archbishop calls out Florida governor for views on migrant children

U.S. Ukrainian Catholic bishops urge prayer, fasting for peace in Ukraine
