
U.S. parishes, faith-based groups urge help for Haiti

Pope joins ad campaign to encourage coronavirus vaccinations

Haiti and Afghanistan: Twin tragedies demonstrate mystery of original sin

Refugee aid groups criticize Biden for stumbles in evacuating 'desperate' Afghans

Caritas Italy, Jesuits suspend activities in Afghanistan

What will it take to accept the truth about global climate change?

As COVID-19 spreads, Tokyo Archdiocese suspends public Masses

Judge rules Biden administration must reinstate 'Remain in Mexico' policy

Shelter helps migrants expelled from US via Mexico to Guatemalan jungle

Polish Archbishop Hoser, doctor, archbishop and envoy, dies of COVID-19

Relief workers: Haiti earthquake complicated by economy, gangs, weather

Catholics have no grounds to claim exemption from COVID vaccine mandates

Links: Afghan 'arrangements'; a hopeful climate story; bring back Catholic labor schools

Priest killed, one missing as church assesses damage from Haiti quake

After Maronite patriarch pressured, U.S. advocates express support

Law firm urges court to 'protect' ministry from Texas governor's order

US bishops support immigration provisions in $3.5 trillion spending bill

Bishop McElroy tells priests to decline vaccine exemption requests

Cardinal Burke on ventilator days after testing positive for coronavirus

Supreme Court rejects challenge to Indiana University's vaccine mandate
