
Virgin of Charity unites all Cubans — Catholics, Santeria followers, exiled and back on the island

Diocese of Camden, NJ, establishes $87.5 million trust for abuse victims in bankruptcy resolution

A Wisconsin ruling on Catholic Charities raises the bar for religious tax exemptions

Fontbonne University to close, continuing a decline in diverse Catholic education

Paulists to leave UC Berkeley ministry, three offices due to priest shortage

Mexican presidential candidates sign bishops' peace plan; front-runner voices objections

Texas judge blocks Paxton's Annunciation House subpoena over due process concerns

Haiti's prime minister resigns; nation's chaos impacts everyone, including church

Panel discusses sisters' efforts to eliminate human trafficking worldwide

Catholics not as polarized as often portrayed, new synod consultor says

Local US Pax Christi leaders visit Japan on peace pilgrimage

CEO of Feeding America named recipient of Notre Dame's 2024 Laetare Medal

En India diseñan mecanismo para denunciar abusos en la Iglesia contra hermanas

New combative faith group to host 'Catholic prayer' for Trump at Mar-a-Lago

New Zealand cardinal faces church inquiry after police close case on abuse claim

In boisterous State of the Union, Biden calls for Ukraine aid, abortion law and immigration reforms

Baltimore to pay $275k in legal fees after trying to block far-right Catholic group's 2021 rally

Haig, former president of two US Jesuit universities, dies at 95

Catholic Charities, three other major nonprofits 'team up' to counter polarization in US

Catholic groups partner to fight human trafficking in Nigeria
