
With millions deprived of basic needs, Christians must act, pope says

German bishops say talks with Rome on parish document must include laity

Catholic women still don't have suffrage in their church

Francis, the comic strip

From Mexico to Mozambique, pope offers prayers for people suffering

Since the Amazon synod, what has happened to talk of synodality?

In 'Life After the Pandemic,' Pope Francis hopes COVID-19 will change us

Francis, the comic strip

Making the poor a priority isn't political, it's the Gospel, pope says

Let's use the title 'co-worker' for laypeople in parish leadership

Francis, the comic strip

Trust in God's compassion, tell him everything, pope says at Angelus

Thanking God for his gifts brings joy, pope says on Marian feast day

Vatican-China deal on bishop appointments appears set for renewal

Five things Pope Francis should do while imprisoned by the pandemic

Surprise ice cream delivery reveals Pope Francis' favorite flavor

Francis, the comic strip

Pandemic has revealed how often human dignity is ignored, pope says

Pope baptizes twins after successful surgery to separate them

Editorial: It's past time for Vatican report on McCarrick's shameful rise
