
Generous service brings abundant blessings, pope says

Pope's quotes: Guide with perseverance

Poverty, humility needed to heal wounded hearts, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Respect, dialogue key for peace between Christians, Muslims

Francis expresses openness to Vatican mediation in Venezuela

Francis, the comic strip

Following Jesus is a daily choice, pope tells religious at Vatican

Pope arrives in Abu Dhabi, praying for nearby Yemen

Endure hard times by remembering God's love, his promise, pope says

Pope's quotes: God never gives up

Priests must be men of joy, pope says at Mass

Global encounter of WYD challenges nationalism, walls, pope says

Accused priest resigns from Vatican's doctrinal congregation

Yemen conflict complicates pope's upcoming trip to Abu Dhabi

Francis, the comic strip

Francis downplays expectations for February abuse summit

Francis expresses openness to married priests in places with 'pastoral necessity'

Francis laments 'senseless and irresponsible condemnation' of migrants

Pope's quotes: Propose mercy
