
Francis, the comic strip

Pope condemns targeting of unarmed civilians in Gaza

In major doctrinal shift, Vatican officially OKs Catholic blessings for gay couples

Ex-Jesuit's religious community in Slovenia ordered to dissolve in one year over widespread abuse

Cardinal Becciu convicted of embezzlement in Vatican financial trial, sentenced to prison

The Vatican's 'trial of the century,' a Pandora's box of unintended revelations, explained

Jesus helps sinners by welcoming, not banishing them, papal preacher says

Single mothers are encouraged to access sacraments, Vatican says

As Pope Francis reaches his 87th birthday, the 'age issue' looms large

Pope says Argentine president's discourteous comments made in 'jest' as Javier Milei assumes office

Pope Francis calls for international treaty on artificial intelligence

Francis, the comic strip

The pope says he wants to be buried in the Rome basilica, not in the Vatican

Vatican offers further guidance on handling cremains

Prudent use of Vatican finances is essential for mission, pope says

Christians must be open to listening to God, helping others, pope says

Council to ask pope to authorize studies on key synod topics

Francis, the comic strip

Weeping Mary is sign of her motherly love, pope says

Use diplomacy to fix injustices sparking conflicts, pope tells ambassadors
