
'All of us are God's children,' pope says in video message to Myanmar

Pope's quotes: Sign of hope

Quinn's examination of Vatican I and infallibility is his final gift

Francis, the comic strip

Mass is a time of silence and prayer, not idle chitchat, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Global cooperation needed in response to climate change, pope says

Couples need help forming, following their consciences, pope says

Pope condemns possession of nuclear weapons in shift from church's acceptance of deterrence

Pope's quotes: Make me clean

Pope puts John Paul I on path to sainthood, declares him 'venerable'

Francis directs Vatican to stop sales of cigarettes, citing health concerns

Francis, the comic strip

Church leaders shift nuclear views from deterrence to disarmament

Papal loyalists become dissidents

Stop taking smartphone snapshots during Mass, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Hypocrisy marks DiNardo's inadequate response to Weinandy

Pope's quotes: What is a 'good Catholic'?

War brings only death, cruelty, pope says at U.S. military cemetery
