
Pope, Council of Cardinals look at need to reform diocesan chanceries

Pope Francis sends Italian cardinal to Moscow on peace mission

Vatican confirms Pope Francis taking a 'staycation' in July

Pope Francis accepts resignation of Knoxville's embattled Bishop Stika

Francis, the comic strip

Remain faithful to what counts, no matter the cost, pope says

Troubled priests need honesty, conversion, purification, pope says

Papal commission seeks public input on safeguarding principles

With doctor's OK, pope says he is ready for World Youth Day

Vatican says new leads are worth pursuing in the disappearance of employee's daughter 40 years ago

Francis, the comic strip

Pope Francis, short of breath, says he's still feeling effects of surgery

Don't forget the interreligious dimensions of the Abraham Accords

Brazilian president invites pope to visit Amazon, discusses war

Vatican's secretary of state: Clerical abuse not linked to homosexuality

As pope meets with Cuban president, protestors at Vatican call for focus on human rights

Synod document sets stage for wide-ranging debate on women, Catholic ministries and structures

Francis, the comic strip

Pope leads Angelus, thanks people for prayers for his recovery

Pope Francis leaves hospital 9 days after operation; surgeon says 'he's better than before'
