
Pope appeals for peace as tensions rise in Caucasus region

Vatican announces contest to compose music for Holy Year 2025 hymn

Pope revamps fund for rural communities in Latin America, Caribbean

Pope Francis backs Ukraine's defense, says supplying arms 'may be morally acceptable'

Francis, the comic strip

Kazakhstan bishop says Pope Francis' participation in interfaith summit potentially 'dangerous'

Pope Francis to interfaith leaders in Kazakhstan: 'Authentic religiosity' necessary for peace

Thank God for opportunity to go to school, pope tells Swiss students

In Kazakhstan, Pope Francis condemns 'senseless and tragic' Ukraine war

Francis, the comic strip

Sharing wealth, creating jobs help rich get into heaven, pope says

Young must hasten to share God's love, pope says in WYD message

Pope urges scientists to work for peace, protect the planet

As Ukraine war rages on, Pope Francis heads to nearby Kazakhstan as peace messenger

Pope: International law has been violated, nuclear risks worsened with war

Pope Francis' big gamble: The synod on synodality

Francis, the comic strip

Discernment means recognizing God in the unexpected, pope says

Non-diocesan Catholic groups submit their own synod reports to the US bishops

Zero tolerance for priests guilty of abuse, pope says in interview
