
Franciscan acting workshops help Ukrainians express war trauma

'Derry Girls' teen characters reach for peace, community and laughs

Two books illuminate St. Mary of Egypt, conversion and desire

Producer's ministry of events and music blends entertainment with adoration

'Sisters in the Wilderness' after 30 years: Resiliency and survival as the legacy of womanist theology

LGBTQ+ Jesus crucified in 'Wonderfully Made'

On Janis Joplin's 'Pearl,' hear someone who is deeply alive

'LGBTQ Catholics' proves worthy guide for more inclusive parish ministry

75 years later, 'Prince of Darkness' continues to humanize priesthood

Ambitious Holocaust documentary displays better history than filmmaking

'Honk for Jesus' provides an uncomfortable reflection of the Black church

In 'Transform Now Plowshares,' the legacy of anti-nuclear Catholic activists informs our future

Painting urges viewers to speak and act as Jesus did in an inhumane world

For a Black Jesuit in the US, racism is a crucible

How trans-inclusive feminism is compatible with Catholicism

Joni Mitchell's 'For the Roses' is the perfect balance of love and breaking up

In latest 'gOD-Talk' discussion, Black millennials discuss hip-hop and faith

Greg Boyle's new book offers modern parables of kinship

The Shia LaBeouf conversion interview: A portrait of masculine aggression

'The Afghanistan Papers' exposes deceit in the conduct of a long, futile war
