
Synodality isn't just an option, it's the only way to be church

'Dear Joan Chittister' shares women's correspondence with Sister Joan

You welcomed me

Bishops approve new hymn texts for the Liturgy of the Hours

Traditional Latin Mass best expresses the reality of Christ's sacrifice

Bishops OK new edition of Program of Priestly Formation

Bishop Barron urges bishops to help bring people back to the church

Hope for creation never runs dry

Service hours

Veterans Day

Free to be heroic

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Meaning of life itself

13th-century encounter points way to greater Christian-Muslim understanding

In our societal dark night, contemplation roots authentic revolution

Giving away the store

Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus

Bishop McElroy: US church is adrift, synodality can renew it

How Simon and Garfunkel settled my years of doubt

Lost and found

Dialogue begins with empathy, not contempt, pope says
