
German cardinal calls for change in church teaching on homosexuality

Catholic moral tradition more nuanced than anti-abortion slogans or extreme bills

To know God

New book: Francis' 'field hospital' is answer to neoconservative culture wars

God in us

Dialogue is part of schools' Catholic identity, congregation says

Trouble the waters

Everyone is the prodigal son in need of mercy, pope says at Angelus

At 50th anniversary of Vatican II lectionary, it's time to update texts and translations

More faith

Be reconciled

Fourth Sunday of Lent: The God of parties

Your thoughts on the $28 million Eucharistic revival

Birth announcement

A hospital chaplain reflects on the power of memory during COVID-19

To gather or to scatter

5 Christian virtues to help us learn to live in a new 'new normal'

Keep the law

Forgiven, we forgive

Soul Seeing for Lent with Jesuit Fr. James Martin
