
Editorial: For the good of the church, begin a real discussion of celibacy

Editorial: Catholic universities should make 'Laudato Si' central, not extracurricular

Editorial: The utter destruction of Gaza must end

NCR's Newsmaker of 2023: Jeannine Gramick, tireless advocate for LGBTQ Catholics

Editorial: A lamentation for the Holy Land

Editorial: US bishops' response to 'Laudate Deum' was underwhelming and odd

Editorial: May new life emerge out of the messiness of this synod process

Editorial: Pope Francis, it's time to release the women deacons report

Editorial: Bishop Olson's actions against the Carmelite sisters are an abusive power play

Editorial: Climate action requires interfaith collaboration

Editorial: Thank God for Mike Pence

Editorial: People of faith must act against nativist violence at the border

Editorial: We remain hopeful about the synod process

Editorial: Air quality is a justice issue — and not just when it hurts NYC

Editorial: Dear Catholic Republicans ...

Editorial: Knoxville Catholics deserve an update on Vatican's investigation of Bishop Stika

Editorial: Thank God — and women — for lay voters at the synod

Editorial: Why have no US Catholic dioceses divested from fossil fuels?

Editorial: Biden needs to keep promises on humane immigration policies

Editorial: If only someone did something about the murder of three children
