NCR Voices

An election result is a brute fact, a reality check, but not the only political fact

How do we prepare to bind the nation's wounds?

What will US bishops do at their annual plenary?

60 years of courage and commentary, but no endorsements

Remembering influential Catholic theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez

The problems and potential of synodality

The pill and the confessional: 60 years ago, NCR tackled tough issues out of the box

Key races could flip the House

Trump's final pitch is scary, in part because it might work

Why Kamala Harris' closing message falls short

Can the Democrats hold the Senate?

Synod wrestles with core issues of governance

Reading the book of nature in a time of climate crisis

A new economy for people and the planet

NCR poll: The 'Catholic vote' is elusive, but Catholics will decide the election

The chance to explain Washington's Red Mass to a former colleague

This is likely what 3 US cardinals discussed with Pope Francis

At the synod forum on bishops' role, even the bishops had to stand in line

The scariest thing about a second Trump term

In year since Hamas' pogrom against Jews, we've seen antisemitism on the rise
