Guest Voices

The Catholic Church has played a shameful role in Black American history

The Beatitudes call us to radical compassion, says Joan Chittister

US Catholics' political attitudes: It's complicated (but hopeful)

Trump's audacity echoes the age-old voice of fallen empires

My AI answers questions about President Trump

The Beatitudes 'are the reality of everything,' Joan Chittister tells John Dear

Decades of surveys show American Catholics' moral independence

Pope's US letter was clear: Trump's immigration moves are unacceptable unless they uphold human dignity

Wage theft is a critical problem. Organized labor justice is the solution.

From Catholic to catholicity: Higher education in an age of emergence

The most active person of daring nonviolence in history was Jesus

Trump, the destroyer of worlds

Richard Rohr on the age of outrage: 'Even those who think they are angry, are really sad'

JD Vance is wrong: Jesus doesn't ask us to rank our love for others

How do we educate democratically during a Trump presidency?

Under Pope Francis, it's management, not ministry, for Catholic women

Thank you, Vice President Vance

All should pray for President Trump, even those who hate him

A trans Catholic reacts to Trump's executive order on gender

Forgiveness and compassion on death row with Sr. Helen Prejean
