Guest Voices

Good news for smaller parishes? Vatican upholds three merger appeals from St. Louis Catholics

Is now the time for LGBTQ priests and religious to come out?

Pope Francis disappoints progressives. He will do so again.

What does it sound like when whales pray?

The casual, but dangerous antisemitism in Harrison Butker's commencement speech

Stand up for the African Americans on the path to sainthood

A century ago, anti-immigrant backlash almost closed America’s doors

The rise of the Catholic bully

Pastoral pope shines through in CBS News' interview

A taxi ride in Ukraine delivers a lesson on horror of war

If there is an Israel-Hamas cease-fire, unarmed civilian protectors should be sent in

Dear bishops, please stop quizzing confirmands at their confirmation

Catholic trad wives pose a formidable political and religious force

'Stay in your lane!' says KC football player far outside his lane

Remembering the purpose and goal of academic theology

Excommunication is not the church's equivalent of capital punishment

Brave new transhuman world? Ethical questions to consider amid AI advances

'Cop cities' are on the rise. Catholics should be concerned.

Understanding America's overlooked religious middle

What would JFK think of Catholics and today's US politics?
