Guest Voices

Why parish pro-life efforts need to focus closer to home

Anger management and guns

We found a sacred community at my son's karate dojo

In the dark world of 'Perry Mason,' Santo Niño de Atocha offers hope for L.A.

EWTN, once 'the work of the devil,' now gets blessing from pope

Fighting inflation with one hand tied behind your back

Francis' synod reforms show voices of Catholic laity can no longer be ignored

In Asia, the Virgin Mary transcends religious boundaries

The Resurrection changes everything

Luis Torres' naive faith inspired him to help fellow abuse survivors

Marriage prep ministries should trust engaged couples

US bishops' transgender document fails morally, theologically — and is poorly argued

The indomitable spirit of the Ukrainian and Polish people

Why is the Biden administration seeking the death penalty in the Tree of Life shooter trial?

Could Teilhard de Chardin give us theological insights into AI?

Cardinal McElroy's call for 'radical inclusion' reflects Pope Francis' pastoral view of the church

Honoring Teresia Mbari Hinga, a feminist African theologian who dared to think

In Los Angeles County, an immigrant church — again

What does AI have to say about religion?

Pope Benedict 'closed' Limbo and no one complained
