
Laudato Si' Movement names new exec director to lead global Catholic environmental network

From afar, Pope Francis helps inaugurate first-ever Faith Pavilion at UN climate summit

US bishops on COP28: Decarbonization is 'preeminent environmental challenge'

Evangelization includes care for the poor and the Earth, pope tells conference

Vatican plans to gradually replace car fleet with electric vehicles in deal with VW

COP28 to have first-ever 'Faith Pavilion' at a UN climate summit

Religions call on COP28 for climate pledge accountability, rapid shift to clean energy

Pope to address UN climate conference, inaugurate 'Faith Pavilion'

Pope Francis sets the table for the upcoming climate summit

Vatican confirms papal trip to Dubai for climate conference

Pope Francis to travel to Dubai to address UN climate summit

Video: Laudato Trees planting program enlists Catholic properties to help increase DC's canopy

Water is a precious, finite resource to be protected, shared, pope says

Theologians and scientists praise, critique Pope Francis' climate exhortation

Survey: US religious groups do not view climate change as a crisis

Environmental faith groups laud pope's climate exhortation, US bishops offer quieter response

Illinois parish dedicates prairie restoration project to St. Francis

'People of goodwill' at Vatican event respond to 'Laudate Deum'

'Laudate Deum' a 'timely call' to 'choose life or death,' say Catholic ecological advocates

Pope Francis takes on climate deniers, 'irresponsible' Americans in new climate letter
