
Franciscan Sisters give NCR $1.5 million to help 'wake up the world'

'We will live and die with you,' cardinal tells virtual Amazon assembly

Brazilian church campaign draws attention to threats against advocates

Deadly heat is killing Americans: Inaction on climate puts lives at risk

EarthBeat Weekly: Re-imagining how we get where we're going

Lessons from a hotter planet: Things escalate quickly

Environmental scientist roots work in sanctity of life: A conversation with Sylvia Hood Washington

EB Weekly: Revisiting integral ecology amid the heat wave and surging coronavirus

How the University of Dayton divested from fossil fuels — and what happened to its bottom line

EarthBeat Weekly: Where 100 or more of us are gathered…

What does the Democrats' climate plan have to say about environmental justice?

Ugandan climate activist: 'We are a climate generation and this is our fight'

Dakota Access pipeline temporarily shut down in legal and 'spiritual' battle

Latino voters are worried about climate change. They could swing the election.

How to close the gap between public opinion and public policy on the climate crisis?

Amazon church creates new conference to implement synod proposals

What it will take to do the work of Laudato Si': stewardship for all, by all

For indigenous protesters, defending the environment can be fatal

How long will the wren continue to sing?

EarthBeat Weekly: Discerning what the Vatican really means when it comes to divestment
