Book Reviews

New book on queer Catholicism highlights need for centering queer voices

'Franciscan Lectio' offers path to encounter Gospel

New book poised to change the stories we tell about our bodies

Book analyzes assumptions about the Magi that shape our experience of Christmas and Epiphany

100 years after 'The Waste Land,' T.S. Eliot is still worth our time

New devotional book centers the liberation of Black lives as a sacred matter

2 books reach same conclusion on organized religion in America

An Advent book for liberation, discovery and subversive hope

A Native Catholic asks: What do we mean by 'heathen'?

Scholars outline history of the Pharisees and roots of harmful anti-Jewish stereotypes

Book offers new look at the 'incredibly human' Dorothy Day

'Christ haunted' England shaped rich Catholic literary history

With martyrs, relics and hair-raising tales, Catholicism makes perfect Halloween fare

James Plunkett's fiction upholds inherent dignity of all human beings

New volume details the history of Catholic theological ethics

Two books illuminate St. Mary of Egypt, conversion and desire

'Sisters in the Wilderness' after 30 years: Resiliency and survival as the legacy of womanist theology

'LGBTQ Catholics' proves worthy guide for more inclusive parish ministry

75 years later, 'Prince of Darkness' continues to humanize priesthood

In 'Transform Now Plowshares,' the legacy of anti-nuclear Catholic activists informs our future
