Francis, the comic strip

Jesus is always ready to help free people from evil, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Be merciful ministers of Christ, pope tells new priests

Pope: Without Holy Spirit, dioceses can become worldly businesses

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: The path to follow

Francis, the comic strip

Catholic minorities can still change the world, pope says at audience

Francis, the comic strip

Respect rights of indigenous people, culture, pope tells mining industry

Pope's quotes: Sacrament of mercy

Nations stirring up nationalism betray their mission, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Satan, not God, tricks people with temptation, pope says

Christian life impossible without the Holy Spirit, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Word of God must be 'beating heart' of church, pope says

Pope's quotes: Nothing is impossible with God

Francis, the comic strip

Jesus replaced law of revenge with law of love, pope says
