Scripture for Life

Considering death and resurrection

Let us feed the hungry

Deepening our faith in the midst of daily life

Fouth Sunday of Lent

Fourth Sunday of Lent: Reconciliation model

Lent is our time to challenge ourselves to change

March anticipates renewal, a welcome return to spring

Music selection should emphasize the solemnity of these rites

We've got a hard Lent ahead

Lent through the eyes of Luke

Remembering heaven: The scrutinies shine light on our lives

Third Sunday of Lent

Third Sunday of Lent: Catching fire

This Lent, we are to decide how we will live

Lent forms us as church

Our Lenten journey with Jesus

Destinations — preparing for the Lenten journey

Come to the water

Lent is a good time to tackle the challenge of forgiveness

Second Sunday of Lent
