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Sanctions against Syria 'benefit no one,' says papal envoy

Make time this Lent to love the excluded, defenseless, despised, pope says

Pope says Lent is time to let go of the frivolous, to choose truth, love

Vatican: Putin suspending nuclear treaty is 'move in the wrong direction'

Pope marks anniversary of Russia's 'absurd, cruel' war on Ukraine

The Spirit helps the church avoid 'ideological divisions,' pope says

Parliamentarians ask pope to help return abducted children to Ukraine

Jesuits report new accusations against influential Vatican artist

Salvation of souls must be focus of canon lawyers' work, pope says

Catholics must overcome 'temptation' of divisions, pope says

Pope: Synodal and Lenten journeys require effort, sacrifice, focusing on God

Partners in mission: Dicastery promotes 'co-responsibility' of clergy, laity

Pope says he's close to Turkish people in time of 'so much pain'

Pope tells Jesuits in Africa he twice refused to become a bishop

Pope sends winter clothing to earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

To evangelize, Christians are not called to argue but be meek like sheep

Pope 'pained' by Nicaraguan bishop's 26-year prison sentence

World must work with Indigenous people to fight climate change, pope says

Papal vicar names safeguarding point person for Vatican City, Roman Curia

Pope calls on young people to fight trafficking by promoting dignity
