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Papal message for World Peace Day: War, hunger, turmoil are connected

Pope: World needs more diplomatic, joint efforts between nations

Russia says Vatican apologized for pope's remarks about minority fighters

Catholics in the Amazon hope COP15 generates projects in favor of forest

Celebrate Christmas 'with Ukraine in your hearts,' pope says, urging aid

Cardinal Ouellet announces lawsuit against woman who claimed assault

In Vatican newspaper, academic urges Pope Francis to get beyond women stereotypes

Disarmament is the only way to build peaceful future, cardinal says

Mary accompanies migrants heading north, pope says on Guadalupe feast

Pope enlists a willing warrior to spread the message of Laudato Si'

Pope: Antisemitism shows need for Christian-Jewish understanding

Doubt can be a step toward deeper faith, pope says

Inflation Reduction Act clause makes it easier for churches to go green

Nothing is impossible for God, not even peace in Ukraine, pope says

Rome meeting focuses on grassroots efforts to promote nonviolence

Dioceses in southern Philippines want government to ban mining

Pope, Council of Cardinals meet, discuss synod, safeguarding, COP27

Ukrainians seek blessing for rehab center; pope urges action for peace

Advocates applaud extension of TPS for Haitian migrants residing in U.S.

Archbishop of Canterbury visits Ukraine to show support as winter begins
