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Brazilian archbishop: Vatican is advancing cause of Hélder Câmara

Retired French archbishop admits 'inappropriate gestures' toward woman

'Hurry up, Lord' and bring peace to Ukraine, pope prays

Climate activists find their voices at COP27

Pope mourns violence, loss of life from attack in Istanbul

New president says CUA can be 'premier Catholic research university'

Love the Lord by loving the poor, pope says at Mass

Fordham report finds poverty growing globally, climate change a driving force

Vatican confirms it is opening abuse investigation of French cardinal

Passionist Fr. Donald Senior, renowned biblical scholar, dies at 82

Panel explores how sexual abuse survivors can help the church to heal

Vatican opens clinic in St. Peter's Square for World Day of the Poor

German bishop calls current Catholic teaching on sexuality 'too simple'

African bishops: No climate justice without land justice

EU bishops' commission urges action to mitigate energy crisis

Iowa priest who helps Latinos find their voice will receive CCHD award

Peace requires 'gentle power of dialogue,' pope says at audience

Cardinal tells leaders at COP27 they have duty to act on climate change

Russian ambassador confirms pope helped facilitate prisoner exchanges

Pope avoids row with Italy on migration but says lives must be saved
