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Pope declines invitation to name rep to Colombia peace tribunals

Poverty solutions almost absent as a presidential campaign issue

Cardinal sees reason to hope for improved Vatican-Chinese relations

Cardinal Turkson: It's 'continuing shame' clean water is not a priority

Retired Pope Benedict says it was his 'duty' to resign from papacy

Historic flooding in Louisiana has changed region forever, many say

Catholic communities nationwide organize activities to battle racism

Violent summer pushes US to once again deal with racism

Louisiana floods called worst U.S. natural disaster since Superstorm Sandy

Pope leads 11,000 pilgrims praying rosary for quake victims

Vatican newspaper: 'Amoris Laetitia' is authoritative church teaching

New Mexico's bishops reject governor's plan to reinstate death penalty

Post-quake rebuilding in Ecuador complicated by enduring poverty

End violence by building bridges, Milwaukee priest urges massgoers

In Puerto Rico, mistrust fuels more public doubt than urgency on Zika

Olympic swim champion Ledecky returns home to cheering crowd

Philippine villagers claim victory over nickel mining firm

Bishop, headed to Vatican, will miss 'beautiful people, culture' of Dallas

Pope: Mercy, pastoral care should guide research on life, family

Pope names Dallas bishop head of new office for laity, family, life
