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Longtime social justice leader Msgr. Marvin Mottet dies at age 86

Pope highlights sanctity of life in Year of Mercy visits

Catholic Relief Services announces agency veteran as new CEO

Philippine bishops' head issues strong 'no' on restoring death penalty

Changing canon law, pope brings Latin and Eastern practices closer

Vatican: Abortion, attempted suicide always obstacles to ordination

New report shows US Catholics have negative, limited views of Islam

Francis: Assassinated French priest joins procession of martyrs

Economic focus must shift from profit to people, cardinal says

USCCB urges HHS compromise on contraceptive mandate case

Pope praises Argentine bishops' guidelines on helping divorced, remarried couples

Papal commission steps up work to educate church about abuse

Latin American coalition: Mining causing damage, not delivering benefits

Religions must take lead in protecting creation, pope says

Detroit parishioners gather on city's streets praying to end violence

Phyllis Schlafly, Catholic supporter of conservative causes, dies

Detox, rehab, food: Parish works to fight Philippine drug problem

Baton Rouge Hispanic Apostolate concerned by city's actions after flood

Labor Day statement ties lack of good jobs to decline in family life

Coptic Catholic spokesman welcomes new Egyptian law on building churches
