The same love that gave St. Joseph the strength to protect Jesus and Mary must inspire Christians to love the church, especially when calling out its sins and flaws, Pope Francis said
The opening of a new apostolic nunciature in the United Arab Emirates is a testament to fraternity and goodwill between Muslims and Christians, said Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra.
Spain's parliament agreed to review a proposal by several political parties that have called for the establishment of commission to investigate sexual abuse cases in the Catholic Church.
A report released by the New Zealand bishops' conference found allegations of abuse were made against 14% of diocesan clergy who have ministered in the country since 1950.
A week after expressing concern in a private letter about the Vatican's reform of the Knights of Malta, the order's grand chancellor said he is confident the process is now on the right path.
When done right, the collection of taxes can promote a culture that protects the well-being of all, especially the poor and least fortunate, Pope Francis said.
The Archdiocese of Madrid provided support, including counseling and psychological treatment, to 72 survivors of sexual abuse in 2021, according to an archdiocesan report.
Preaching long, spiritually empty homilies can reduce the Word of God to a mere set of abstract concepts that fail to awaken one's soul, Pope Francis said.
Companies, especially those in the construction sector, must guarantee safety in the workplace to protect the rights and dignity of their workers, Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis is sending thousands of dollars in relief aid to the Philippines after a devastating typhoon struck the Southeast Asian archipelago in December.
In the wake of a report revealing hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse in Spain, the country's bishops assured Pope Francis that every diocese has established a commission that will investigate allegations of abuse.
The synodal process is a path of engagement that makes room for the Holy Spirit, and not a "majority consensus like a parliament" to guide the universal church, Pope Francis said.
St. Joseph's work as a humble carpenter serves as an example of the dignity of hard work that today is often denied to those in need, Pope Francis said.
As coronavirus cases continue to increase across Italy, the country's bishops issued new guidelines and restrictions meant to curb the spread of infection among the faithful.