Lawyers representing six defendants, including Cardinal Angelo Becciu, on charges of financial crimes accused Vatican prosecutors of omitting evidence and testimony they said are crucial in preparing their defense.
At the end of their plenary assembly in Fatima, the Portuguese bishops announced the creation of a national commission to support local dioceses in their investigations into current and historic cases of sexual abuse.
In a letter to Catholics in Scotland, ahead of the end of COP26, Pope Francis warns that world leaders are running out of time and must address climate change before it's too late.
Pope Francis called on world leaders to aid the people of Haiti as the country continues to descend into chaos due to widespread violence, economic instability and natural disasters.
A Vatican conference will gather both Christian and non-Christian historians and experts to delve deep into the history of the church in the first centuries of Christianity.
The Francis Chronicles: Pope Francis had a special guest help him illustrate the meaning of Christian freedom: a young boy wandered onto the stage during the pope's general audience and made himself at home.
The world can no longer ignore the suffering of the people of Haiti, an island that has been exploited and pillaged by wealthier nations for centuries, said Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
A bishop becomes a true shepherd not by seeking power over his flock but in serving the souls entrusted to his care, Pope Francis said just before ordaining two new bishops.
The Vatican urged the international community to regulate cryptocurrency, especially because of its growing use in the smuggling and exploitation of migrants and vulnerable persons.
Pope Francis said he intends to declare as a doctor of the church St. Irenaeus of Lyon, the second-century theologian known for his defense of orthodoxy amid the rise of gnostic sects.
The coronavirus pandemic has provided an opportunity for humanity to band together for the common good, said Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople.