Religion News Service

By this Author

What evangelicals say they want from a second Trump term

Five larger trends to make sense of the 2024 election

Eco-theologian Norman Wirzba on finding hope in the midst of crisis

Vatican and Microsoft partner to showcase St. Peter’s Basilica through AI technology

White Christians made Donald Trump president — again

Synod ends with disappointment and hope

Catholic voters are suffering a barrage of fake 'Catholic' news

The survey findings keeping me up at night

Synodality demands transparency and accountability from bishops

Faith groups use election scenarios to prepare spiritually, mentally for what’s next

The bishop selection process is still a concern among synod delegates

Canon lawyers and theologians recommend ways to make synodality more concrete

2024 election checklist: 5 ways to keep politics out of Catholic parishes

Transgender and intersex Catholics ask pope to rethink church stance on gender-affirming care

Bishop Joseph Espaillat challenges Catholics to listen to Latino youth

Pope Francis prepares college of cardinals for next conclave

Latin American Catholics favor women priests more than married priests

Church-linked groups are helping South Sudanese refugees live like locals in Uganda

Who cares about the religion of the presidential tickets?

Five things to watch for in the upcoming October synod

