Religion News Service

By this Author

The Resurrection changes everything

Philadelphia Archdiocese accused of transferring known abuser to Catholic college

60 years on, King’s ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’ relevant as ever, say faith leaders

Earth Day is a day of fear and hope

Pope Benedict 'closed' Limbo and no one complained

Artists' dreadlocked, tattooed icons offer a fresh take on the saints

Looking for Easter

Christ continues to be crucified in today's world

Georgia may be turning purple. It's definitely turning green.

Help! I have been replaced by an AI.

A reading list for seminarians and other Catholic conservatives

Some bishops and lay groups have become de facto Catholic morality police

The lesson of Silicon Valley Bank: Regulations protect good businesses as well as consumers

Americans like Jews, Catholics and mainline Protestants. Evangelicals, not so much.

The legacy of a decade of Pope Francis

Joking about climate change isn't funny anymore

Is the FBI coming after traditional Catholics?

Could churches be prime locations for EV charging stations? One company thinks so.

What does it mean to be holy?

In new book, Christian climate activist challenges church to take action

